Stunning New Program for Auto Insurance Marketers
For Auto/P&C Insurance carriers, multi-state insurance agencies, or ad agencies with insurance clients
With an industry average of $900 in lifetime gross profit per bundled insurance sale combined with our traffic (1+ Billion searches per month), the revenue potential is massive.
Can this massive targeted hyper-niche traffic help your auto/P&C insurance business grow faster?
- Access to 1.1 Billion auto/P&C insurance organic phrase-match searches per month (39 million per day)
- Access to 5.6 Million auto/P&C insurance organic exact-match searches per month (175k per day)
- Perfect long-term niche solution for targeting prospects with voice search
- We offer an excellent solution to reach the elusive and lucrative prospects that use “ad-blockers” since the customers are coming to us organically. Expensive problem solved with this method.
- With the industry average of $900 gross profit per bundled lifetime/conversion, this unique opportunity maximizes an expertly designed cocktail of Google’s best practices with the massive traffic results in a hugely profitable long-term program. It more than pays for itself many times over each month.
- This non-shared opportunity absolutely adds value to your company and has a scarcity of one. (Or two if we divide it in half.) Hurry, as the high bidder for this service wins.

A highlighted example of the domains on your insurance domain list
www.carinsurance.com (sold for $49.7 million) (current $1.3M)
www.car—insurance.com (yes, included in your list)

- www.carinsurance.com was the most expensive domain ever sold at $49.7 million.
- www.car—insurance.com has about the same organic search value.
- www.car—insurance.com is just one of the 320+ domains included in your package.
Proof that I know what I am doing?
How about being #1 in the world in a similar niche to insurance? – the mutual fund company niche.
I own the #1 ranked mutual fund directory in the world per Google, mobile, Bing, and Yahoo in organic search.
The chart below is further proof that keyword rich domains work.
I have been #1 in this billion dollars mutual fund directory niche since 2014 and still #1 as of 7/24/19.
As you can see, my two niches are auto insurance and mutual funds/investments.

What is this and why should I care?
What | Is this a better mousetrap for auto insurance carriers or national insurance agencies? Yes
Why | The nonstop conflicting TV ads are driving a confused public to the internet to research and shop for insurance prior to the renewal dates. Moreover, we help you leverage your TV ads and other companies TV ads into your “mid-level funnel” with the many hyper-niche landing pages that focuses on their specific concern to get the click or cookie.
Value Proposition | Using both the 1.1 Billion auto insurance Phrase-match organic searches per month or 38 million per day (yes, per day) “AND” the 5.6 million exact-match organic searches per month (175k per day) pointed to your new hyper-niche landing pages, If Insurance Marketing Multiplier’s program enables your organization to sell JUST five (5) new “enterprise-wide” bundled auto/P&C insurance new customers per day; you will have approximately a 50+% ROI each month and year in gross profit after commissions are paid. If we help you sell a least ten (10) new sales per day enterprise-wide, your ROI is 200%. If you use current industry average for insurance conversion numbers, your ROI% may be in the thousands each month. The numbers are so good, they just do not seem real.
First of all, this is new. This solution is NOT selling you tied old-reused insurance leads from the internet. This is not PPC. This is not a spammy SEO backlink trick. This is “advanced Google white-hat SEO with some new secret sauce.” If you think you know the details of this comprehensive solution, you just do not yet know the differences and linkages, and they are the keys to the hyper results. For example, if know how a domestic sedan works, does that mean you know the details of what makes a 911 or Testarossa faster?
These are YOUR company’s leads that will be opt-in for you and your team to use for years. You will generate thousands of retail insurance leads via Google best practices while combining our “entire” very high-value domains list pointed to YOUR new landing pages with our (Google SEO based) secret sauce. We have a chart to explain the secret sauce and how this fits together and will gladly review it with you. Just ask per the contact info below.
This solution positions your company perfectly for traffic from organic VOICE SEARCH. The fastest growing area in search.
Insurance Marketing Multiplier has 330+ very-high-value auto/P&C retail insurance domain name properties for lease as a single block. So? This solution is different and forward-thinking by combining an array of Google and marketing best practices into a comprehensive solution that stands on its own AND leverages/turbocharges your existing TV and marketing campaigns. The math makes this solution stunning and repeatable each month.
As of 11/12/19, per Google numbers as a baseline (Bing, mobile & Yahoo numbers included), these keyword domains have 191,000 “exact-match” auto/P&C insurance organic searches PER DAY (7.4 million per month) “AND” 38 Million “phrase-match” auto/P&C insurance organic searches PER DAY (1.19 Billion per month). You get both every day for as long as you are under contract. Yes, focus on the exact match searches, BUT you also still get ONE BILLION phrase match searches per month on the list pointed to your new landing pages. (Do you think the previous sentence sounds as surreal as I do? I agree.) Those are the numbers, and you and your team can (and absolutely should/must) independently verify them yourself before moving forward. Independent verification of the numbers will take your team less than 10 minutes.
Combine the 1.1 Billion insurance organic searches with $900 gross profit (auto/P&C insurance bundled sale) per new sold retail customer; the numbers should produce $ Millions per month in net new auto/P&C in net new revenue for a national insurance carrier or national insurance agency. This service more than pays for itself by double/triple/10X/100X each month. Use ROI, NPV, ROAS, or breakeven analysis to make you, your department, your management team look great. If started in Q2 2020, this would start kicking in by 2021 and further increasing in 2122. Great 2020 project to go online in 2021. Give this a try. High returns, high ROI, high ROAS, very high NPV, low initial investment, low monthly costs, low use of resources, very low to low startup effort, low risk, and you can cancel. Perfect.
We will lease this whole list to one Insurance carrier for a low-flat-monthly-fee. The secret sauce is also included. Yes, this is somewhat complicated to grasp but the more details you understand about this offer, unlike most things, it just gets better and better. It is fun to see an insurance marketer, agency SEO professional, or manager finally connect the dots on this new concept. Then the smile spreads from ear to ear. Then it comes down to, is this a fit for our marketing structure and goals and a what price based on the revenue potential. What is the upside and what is the risk?
Even if your company is doing something like this already, consider doing this also. As long as this project can more than pay itself (it can), so give this a try? I am sure my secret sauce could help your existing efforts on your other projects — nothing to lose.
This project can “easily” be cost justified and approved by far exceeding any NPV metric. If you have any other 2019/2020 project as good as this – do both. Consider letting me team-up with one or two of your star junior executives, a part-time PM or advertising agency contact, and watch us put this together as we execute the plan over six months +/-. This could/should make stars out of all involved. I have a long track record of getting my contacts promoted after big multi-month and multi-year IT projects.
Better yet, if you get too many leads to handle, you can sell them via lead auction for $20+/- each. These are the same leads you may have paying $40 each for via auction. It just keeps getter better.
Our goal is to have you and your team fully informed on how this fits together before you decide. I will gladly work with or through your Advertising Agency. In some cases, the agency may streamline the process.
We want to be considered an important long-term partner in your companies continued success. We KNOW we can produce for you and your team. Call today to set up an introductory call before it is too late. mike@insurancemarketingmultiplier.com | 704-408-8050

"Exact Match (Auto Insurance) Domains are Costly"
“Exact Match keyword domains in competitive industries with good search (stats) are costly to acquire. Everybody wants them (because of the targeted traffic they can produce).”, 6/2018 – Michael Cyger – Founder of DomainSherpa and Publisher at DNAcademy. Exact match domains with very high search stats in the auto insurance industry are what we provide for you and your company. Averaging access to 185,000 exact match searches per day for a flat monthly fee that pays for itself.

- The first step is to contact me to set up a short call to make sure this is a fit.
- (I would assume you would run this program through your existing ad agency for simplicity)
- mike@insurancemarketingmultiplier.com 704-408-8050